Visa and Passport: Be Prepared to Verify Your Citizenship
Applying for a new passport can take several months, especially during high travel season such as summer time and popular holidays.
To find out what processing times are, visit the US State Department website at
To obtain a new passport, apply in person at a passport agency. You need two photographs, proof of citizenship, and a photo ID such as your driver’s license.
If you haven’t applied for a passport in a number of years the fees are probably higher than you paid previously. In some instances the length of the passport is longer, depending on when you last got yours.
Renewing your passport can usually be done by mail, if you have enough time.
For any travel abroad you need to apply for a passport. Check whether you need a visa for each country you plan to visit.
If you already have a passport, make sure that it is valid. It must remain valid for at least sixty days. Otherwise you will have travel issues with Visa and Passport.
Some countries require it be valid for longer than 60 days. So be sure to check long before you plan to leave.
If your passport will expire within two months, go ahead and renew it. Renewal processes are easier than applying for a new passport.
Apply for your passport at least a couple of months prior to your trip. You meed time to use the passport to get your required visas.
Most European countries, such as France, do not require you to get a visa if your visit will be for less than three months.
However, if the country you are visiting does require a visa or you stay more than three months, apply for your visa at least one month in advance.
That way is to make sure it is processed in time for your trip.
Sometimes a Visa is Required
Most visa applications require your passport, proof of citizenship, and other proof of identity.
Be aware that visas may not be free. In fact in some countries it is as much as $100, even more.
To find out whether or not a visa is required, or to find out what documentation is needed to get your visa, visit the US State Department.
Or contact the US Embassy in the country you will be visiting.

US Passport - If you're a citizen you will have travel issues with Visa and Passport if you lose this.
Mishaps or problems can Occur when Traveling
However, sometimes things happen when people travel abroad. Robberies, lost luggage, misplaced carry-on luggage, or a mugging could happen. Such things might result in the loss of your passport or visa or other important documents.
For these reasons, make copies of your travel and identification documents. Leave them with a friend back home.
Also keep a copy with you but separate from the originals. This will help prove your citizenship and identity. Its safety in case your actual travel documents are lost or stolen.
In the event your passport or visa are lost or stolen, there are certain things you must do. That’s in order to continue your stay in that country or return to the United States.
The first thing you need to do is contact or visit the US Embassy in the country that you are visiting.
In Europe that could be another country you are close to. You need to apply for a new passport or visa. But you need to furnish copies of your identification documents.
You made a copy as advised, didn’t you? You also need to write and sign an affidavit. One that gives details about the incident where your passport and visa was lost or stolen.
Other documentation or verification may be required.
You Must Consider Reentering the United States
You cannot re-enter the United States, nor safely travel throughout Europe or most other countries without a passport.
If you lose your passport or if it is stolen, you need to contact the US Embassy nearest to you immediately.
Or contact them as soon as you are aware that your passport is gone. You definitely will have travel issues with Visa and Passport when trying to enter the United States.
This is important for your safety and for your return to the United States.
In most cases, replacing the lost or stolen passport while you are in Europe is not difficult. But it should be taken care of immediately nonetheless.
In some countries in other areas of the world it can be difficult and time consuming replacing the lost or stolen passport.
So take particular care to keep it safe, and be sure to have backup copies of your documents.
Charles is writing about Good Luck focused on jewelry.
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